What Does It Take

To Transform A City

for The King, His Kingdom & Glory!


there is a radical transformation taking place

& YOU have a strategic part to play in it!

Our Vision

To see every community experiencing the goodness of God through the influence of Kingdom-minded leaders.

Our Mission

To engage marketplace leaders to influence culture and society for the good of their communities.

We are Marketplace Catalysts transforming our cities!

Each of us have been been redeemed out of Egypt (where we were in slavery to the world's Babylonian system) & are NOW Awakened to King & His Kingdom!

We've all gone through a transition of pruning (in the our own wilderness experience), where we had enough to survive & were being prepared to enter our Promised Land.

NOW (No more Obstacles in the Way), we're discovering our assignments & working together to fulfill them, as we steward the wealth of our King & demonstrate His Kingdom!

​Click on each picture to learn more about us!



Join us for our next monthly FREE Business Development Group Forum

(4th Wed of each month, 9-11am)

at The Collective Church

(6825 SW Sandburg St, Tigard, OR 97223) or online via ZOOM.

We can also give you access to all of our past forums in our YouTube Channel.



Sign-Up & learn from our Strategic Reformation Training Partners to let us help you fully understand your

Calling (why you show up - KI - Video), Creativity (how you show up - IP - Video),

Career (how you get paid - BE - Video) &

Community (who you serve - TL - Video) so that you can reach Convergence!



Share your story on

The Marketplace Catalyst, our new weekly 30 minute radio show / podcast & start working with other Marketplace Catalysts in fulfilling your unique assignment in transforming our city!


Here's how we're Telling A Better Story

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